Great article in Veterinary Practice by Brian Faulkner of the BVRA about the seemingly ‘Bermuda Triangle’ nature of the space between a client leaving the consulting room and arriving at reception to pay their bill. He goes on to suggest ways in which vets and receptionists can work together to get the bill paid.
Veterinary receptionists are always flat out handling telephone calls, taking payments, booking appointments, ordering stock …….. Covid has brought wave upon wave of additional workload. Taking payments over the phone is time-consuming hassle that we could all do without!
Rather than arranging payments over the phone why not just send a payment link via text message to the client as they wait outside. They can pay on their phone before collecting their animal. The same goes for orders of food and medication - a link can be sent when the order is placed, allowing payment prior to collection. If an invoice is needed this can also be attached to the message or to an email.
For those slower to pay, an automated text message can also be a useful prompt to remind the client of their outstanding bill and make it easy for them to settle it at a time most convenient to them.